Fully vaccinated By The blood Of Jesus T Shirt


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Fully vaccinated by the blood of Jesus.

The blood of Jesus is our most potent weapon against disease and sickness. It has the power to heal and protect us from all harm. When we are vaccinated with the blood of Jesus, we are protected from all manner of evil and danger. We are safe in His care and can rest assured that He will keep us from all harm. Jesus is our perfect physician, and His blood is the ideal antidote for all that ails us. With the blood of Jesus running through our veins, we are guaranteed good health and safety from all harm. So let us never forget the power of the blood of Jesus and always keep ourselves vaccinated with it. It is our best defense against sickness and disease. It is our ticket to eternal life and health. Thanks are to God for the blood of Jesus! Amen.

Fully vaccinated By The blood Of Jesus T Shirt, Hoodie, Long Sleeve Sweatshirt, And More.

T shirt, hoodies, long sleeve sweatshirts, and more colors are available. You can make a design with your text or use our format. It’s straightforward to order. Just fill in the form below, and we’ll take care of the rest.

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